Arshad's Blog

You Just Need to Figure Out the Next Step, and No More

“I just have to read one more book”

We’ve all had those moments right? Moments when we procrastinated on something saying we have to figure out a little more, do a little more research, read a little more, all the while acting like we’re making progress.

I know I have.

So much of what we call organizing, or preparing, is essentially procrastination in disguise. We tell ourselves we’re “sharpening our tool” when In reality, we are seeking any little thing we can polish or organize only to avoid actually having to do the thing.

You don't need to have everything figured out to do something. You don’t need to be an expert to make something. You just have to know what you’re going to do next. Think about it, You don’t have to have already seen a place to go there, you just need to know which step to take next, one step at a time, till you eventually reach there.

So always a friendly reminder when you’re procrastinating: You don’t have to have everything figured out. Just the next step, and no more.