Arshad's Blog

Few Thoughts About Writing on This Blog

As I’m starting my writing from here, here are a few thoughts on how I want to keep this blog. Consider this advice to myself.

Writing is a skill, you’ll get better

Nobody(almost) is born a talented writer. Put in enough reps and keep practicing deliberately and you’ll get better.

Expect your writing to be imperfect

Don’t put the pressure of perfect sentences and aphorisms to be quoted on billboards, just write your honest thoughts and share with people. Articulate your thoughts with clarity and simplicity, not perfection.

Write everyday

If you want to get better, You have to put in the reps. In the beginning focus on writing more and more. Write at least a little every single day.

Follow your curiosity

Don’t think you have to write only about X or Y. Write about whatever sparks your mind. Usually its only a few same things anyway. Write to learn about whatever you’re curious about. This is your personal blog and you can write whatever you choose to.

Write long only when you have to

Keep your writing short and concise. Say what you have to and leave, nothing more. Don’t waste the reader’s time.

Give yourself advice

Don’t write to anyone but yourself. You know yourself much better than anybody. You have enough problems to solve for yourself than for others. Give yourself advice and people going through the same will always find it helpful. And most important advice:

Do not overthink it

This is a small experiment to express yourself and make some friends. Write about what you think and learn, write it in simple words and share it with people. That’s it. Don’t overthink it.