Arshad's Blog

What does it mean to truly belong?

What does it mean to feel like you truly belong somewhere? What does it mean to feel like you're at the right place? With the right people?

Ever since I was little this is a question that pops into my mind every so often. Because anywhere I go I feel a sense of detachment. Like I don't belong. Like I'm not needed. Like it doesn't matter if I'm there.

Yet sometimes I feel like this is exactly the place I should be. Like all that matters is this moment with people you care about.

I've pondered very often, what changed? Because the situations were similar, the people were same. Yet it is only me that changed.

So then, what it means to truly belong must be something that is determined by how you are inside. And what changes inside? Feelings. I like the way Alain de Botton put it, "We are made of moods".

Your moods will change. Life will fluctuate. It is the way it's meant to be. In any situation, add the phrase "for now". "I'm really happy...for now" "I feel terribly frustrated and angry...for now".

As the age old wisdom goes...this too shall pass.

Now to come back to my original question, what does it mean to truly belong? The only answer I could find to that question is, embrace the joy you feel when you're around people. Focus your attention on them and let go of your ego. The real feelings of belonging comes when you're no longer focused on yourself. But understand that, that feeling too will inevitably pass. But still be okay with it.

Give to people and not expect anything back. Where you belong, you will be.

Good luck.