Arshad's Blog

Stop Revolving Your Life Around Quitting

When thinking about bad habits and quitting addictions, I’ve always had an “All or nothing” mindset. “If I relapse again, then I’m a loser”, “I’ll never do this again, I swear this is the last time”. And then, I go do it again.

I’m sure you’ve also fallen into this trap too. You’ve tried to quit things again and again and try as hard as you can. But you can’t. No matter how much you try, you relapse again.

The problem is in how you approach the problem.

Most of us these days are consumed by the whole internet-self-improvement-Nofap-quitting smoking-no vape-no social media-sphere that we revolve our whole life around “quitting” instead of doing things. Instead of improving your life, quitting becomes the obsession.

We make whole lives revolve around quitting till the whole stress of quitting starts taking more time than the actual addiction itself.

But the problem with approaching addiction with a mindset like this is that, you feel terrible at your first relapse. You feel guilty. Like you lost all hopes—instead of realising how much progress you’ve actually made. Think of how much were you doing it when you started? Now how much? How much have you improved? That’s actually what you actually need to compare to. The real metric you need to compare is — Progress.

When you revolve your whole life around quitting, you just do more of it. Instead, how you truly quit is not caring about it, or caring about more important things in your life. When you resist, you simply attract more of it.

Don’t make addiction as your whole life purpose. Don’t revolve your life around quitting. Start doing things with your life, and the addiction will go away. That’s how you really beat it.

Good Luck.