Arshad's Blog

Solo Dates Once a Week

Yesterday before bed I got a thought, "I'll go see the sunset today". Took Google maps, found a good place to watch sunrise nearby and set the plan to wake up at 5 and go watch a sunset.

But obviously enough, I didn't wake up. I woke up when I usually do, at 7. There the sun was already smiling high. But then I remembered something I read a couple days ago.

I was reading the Artist's way by Julia Cameron the other day and one of the most key component of her program in that book is to have an "artist date" once a week. Now what is that? Once a week spend at least 2 hours taking yourself on a date doing things you always wanted to, that's fun, and adventurous.

Now she may not have defined it that way, but that's the way I approach it. Do something every week that's adventurous and will spark the creativity and joy within you.

So I had a new thought. "I'll go some nice place and take myself on a date". I chose a nearby lake park, that I've only seen once, to have a scenic walk, all by myself. The moment I entered the gates of the park, I can't tell you how much grateful I am for this decision.

All of us are so caught up in our social circles that we forget that we don't always have to be around people. You can have fun by ourselves. We always make excuses that you don't get to see something, go somewhere, do something. Why? "Because my friends won't come with me". Well why don't you go by yourself?

Sitting here on this beautiful lake park with the beautiful Bangalore climate, I feel this calm sense of gratitude and presence. Like I'm grateful for everything around me. An inner sense of joy. I can't seem to describe the feeling.

At least once a week have a small adventure, go to a nearby place you haven't gone, take a turn you haven't taken, go for a solo walk, Find things that sparks joy in your heart.

Don't wait for someone to do things you want to do and You might never know what you'll discover.