Arshad's Blog

Reflections on not Writing

I haven't published anything for exactly one month on this blog. As much as I feel guilty about this I want to reflect on why that is. If you're in a similar situation, hope this helps.

Looking back, it's because of the same reasons I waited too long to write in the first place.

  1. Too much expectations of myself I put too much expectations of myself to write good things only that I never put anything out. Fully acknowledge that you're a beginner and share things. Don't worry about "being good" now.

  2. Not building a writing practice I wanted to write, but I never made myself a practice to write. Simply "write when I feel" is not a writing practice. And is terrible as a beginner. Make time to write in your schedule.

  3. Fear of criticism Fearing people will criticize my writing as "generic advice" or "not useful" is something that terrifies me. Am I writing for myself or for people? Sure I can say that I'm writing only for myself. But be honest, all of us cares what our readers think. Need to get over that.

Taking my own advice

Going on I'll try to write as much as I can and share things. It's a battle between me and own my own inner voice. I want to keep a couple of my own posts for reference for when this happens again:

  1. You Just Need to Figure Out the Next Step, and No More
  2. Few Thoughts about writing on this blog
  3. What the hell should I post
  4. Write What Seems Silly and Obvious

I'll try to write as much on this blog. I'm someone who is learning to write, and not a writer. Yet. So the biggest lesson I need to keep in mind is: You'll only get better at what you do.

I'd like to have a certain level of informality to my writing. The theme I want for this going forward is like a third-person journal. Or like talking to a dear friend.

This one is more of a personal reflection and advice to myself. So, Good luck to myself.