Arshad's Blog

Note-Taking and Shiny New Toys

When I read How to take smart notes, I imagined the world changing. I imagined the sheer amount of things I’m going to create and the potential I could reach. But then came the question, Which app do I use?

This led to a whole load of trying apps new apps, finding the next one and next one and a never ending cycle of new note-taking apps. They have a term for this, it’s called Shiny Toy Syndrome. Simply put, going for the next new shiny toy. This never works because there is always a new toy. There is always a new app with one more feature.

All of this continued until I realized one thing, the point is to create things, not make notes. Organizing by itself doesn’t add value. It has no inherent worth unless it puts you in a state of mind for taking effective action. The only goal with making a notes system is to make things with it, or do things with the things you learn.

Stick with one thing for at least 6 months. If you need more upgrade, if not stick to what works. Don’t overcomplicate things. And don’t think the next one will solve your problems.