Arshad's Blog

I'll be happy when...

One of the craziest things about us humans is how much conditions we set on our happiness. "I'll be happy when I have that job" "I'll be happy when I make X amount of money" "I'll be happy when I get that girl" so on and on.

All of us have our own version of that"I'll be happy when...." But the funny thing is happiness is always independent. No matter what conditions you set for your own happiness, it's all imaginary. None of those things exist outside of your own mind.

Now if you want a shortcut to being happy, it’s is to let go of those dependencies and find happiness now. Right now. In this moment. Because life is happening now and now only. And happiness is in here, not "out there".

Take control of your life. Breathe out. Let go. Learn to “feel fine” independent of what you get or do not get. Develop a sense of humor to life regardless of what’s happening. Stop taking things too seriously. Learn to have a little fun. Feel the happiness you could feel now.

This will improve your overall life experience much more than anything else will. If you want a practical exercise to try, here's one.

Good Luck.