Arshad's Blog

Simple Breathing Exercise to Feel Better Right Now

A simple exercise that really help to instantly improve your state.

From the book Levels of Energy by Frederick Dodson:

Take a deep breath right now. Have your out-breath be longer than your in-breath. Let the in-breath flow through your nose, allow the out-breath to open your mouth. Let the out-breath be accompanied by the sound of “Aaaaaaaaah”. On the in-breath, welcome everything you are perceiving, seeing, and hearing in your immediate field of perception, in your immediate here and now. Give up any resistance or tension and welcome what-is as-it-is. Let it be OK. And on the out-breath, let it all go, release it all, relax all, stop focusing on it all. And on the in-breathe focus on what-is and welcome it all. And on the longer out-breathe just stop focusing on it all, drop it all. Repeat this at least 10 times before reading on.

Note from the book: Notice how relatively easy it is to improve your state. Don't let anyone sell you the belief that improving your state requires a lot of hard work and programs worth thousands of dollars.

Try this right now and I promise you'll feel much better.

Good luck.